Can cats eat bananas? The vitamins contained in bananas


Bananas are quite nutritious fruits and many people consume them before exercising or dieting, so can the meow around us also consume bananas? Bananas are an energy source for cats, with about 86 calories per 100 grams of bananas, and contain carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, especially high in "vitamin B6".

Cats are allowed to eat bananas. Bananas contain a variety of trace elements and vitamins. The vitamin A in bananas can strengthen the cat's resistance and maintain vision; dietary fiber can promote the cat's gastrointestinal motility and help digestion. The pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium in bananas can lower blood pressure, treat anemia, prevent muscle spasms and reduce stress in cats; the rich electrolytes in bananas make cats less prone to cramps and hypokalemia.

I. Vitamins contained in bananas

Bananas contain "vitamin B1", which helps cats metabolize carbohydrates and prevent swelling, and also effectively relieves fatigue.
"Vitamin B2" is also present in bananas, which also helps cats metabolize carbohydrates after ingestion and has a role in maintaining the health of mucous membranes and skin in cats.
Of course, bananas contain a good amount of "vitamin B6", which has the effect of lowering the cat's blood pressure and preventing anemia and can try to keep the cat's heart muscle and muscle activity normal.

Bananas contain dietary fiber
Dietary fiber is not very abundant in bananas, so if cats consume small amounts, it is good for their intestines.

Of course, cats should not consume too much dietary fiber, after all, they are carnivorous animals and too much may lead to "diarrhea".

Bananas contain magnesium
Magnesium is one of the important nutrients for the production of intracellular fluid and bones in the body, and if cats consume it properly, it can have a good effect on relieving fatigue and regulating body temperature.
Of course, we are talking about the right amount here, but if cats consume too much, they are likely to suffer from "magnesium toxicity" and muscle contraction.

Bananas contain potassium
Bananas contain more than three times the amount of potassium than apples, and the biggest effect of potassium on cats is that it is a "diuretic" and seems to promote the excretion of "sodium".
It is important not to consume too much of this stuff because excessive intake of potassium can lead to "hyperkalemia" in cats.
I believe you can see from the above points that bananas are good for your cat's body ...... uh, provided that it is "properly ingested".
The actual bananas that can be consumed by cats are the ones that look "healthy"? After all, those bananas with "black spots" or "brown spots" on the skin are really bad-looking.

Ahem, in fact, cats can eat these bad-looking bananas, because those "black spots" represent the banana has been ripe, so the ripe banana will naturally contain more nutritious substances.
The reason why some bananas have "brown spots" is that the picked bananas continue to "breathe", resulting in a change in the number of polyphenols in the banana peel, which in turn causes the color of the banana peel to change. (Polyphenols can affect the color of banana peels)

Can cats eat bananas? The vitamins contained in bananas

II. Benefits of bananas for cats

Banana pulp is very nutritious, rich in a large number of trace elements and vitamins, and also contains protein, crude fiber, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, folic acid, and other nutrients.

Bananas can clear heat and moisten the intestines, helping to cleanse intestinal waste and prevent constipation. Feeding cats the right amount of bananas helps promote intestinal peristalsis and facilitates digestion, which can have a laxative effect and is beneficial to cats, and bananas can usually be used as a daily nutritional supplement for cats.

Three, cats should eat bananas in moderation

The cat's stomach is sensitive, so you can feed some bananas to the cat in moderation, but pay attention to controlling the feeding amount. Feeding too much to the cat may cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other adverse reactions, which will easily cause intestinal discomfort, flatulence, and indigestion, and will increase the cat's gastrointestinal burden.

Bananas have high nutritional value, but eating too much can have adverse reactions, can cats eat bananas
When feeding bananas to cats for the first time, try it in small amounts and observe whether abnormalities occur. Some cats are prone to allergies or soft stools in the gastrointestinal tract, and such cats should not eat bananas. If the cat eats bananas once diarrhea or other adverse symptoms appear, stop feeding in time to avoid more serious consequences.

Cats are carnivorous animals, vegetables, and fruits cats are not necessarily willing to eat. Even if the cat likes to eat bananas, it is necessary to control the number of bananas eaten. Bananas have more potassium, which may cause excessive excitement or diarrhea in cats. Do not give bananas to cats in large quantities and for a long time, it may bring some slight side effects to cats. Bananas should be ripe before giving them to cats, and bad bananas should not be eaten.

Although feeding bananas to cats do not seem to be a big problem, there are still some small problems that need to be paid attention to, which can be easily avoided by the pooper scooper.
The first is "don't feed too much". For cats, they can not eat bananas with us humans, after all, the body is only so small.
If cats eat too much, the calorie intake will be very high, which in turn may cause weight gain, diabetes, cystitis, urinary tract stones, and other problems.
The best thing to do is to cut the banana into thin slices about 1 cm thick so that your cat can eat them without worrying about them eating too much.
The next is "peel". Not only do we eat bananas to peel, but cats will also only eat peeled bananas, not just the reason why the banana peel is not good.
Generally speaking, in order to store bananas for a long time, people will naturally soak them in some medicine, and when they are bought at home by us, no one should wash the bananas, right?
Therefore, regardless of whether the banana is washed or not, cats can not eat the banana peel, not clean and not delicious ~

The last thing is to "pay attention to the temperature". In our impression, cats do not like to eat too hot food, in fact, cold food is not very friendly to them.
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Four. Fruits that cats should not eat

Cats can eat many fruits, such as durian, apple, watermelon, strawberry, banana, cantaloupe, pineapple, papaya, and so on. However, do not eat too much, preferably at least half an hour away from the main meal to avoid affecting digestion and absorption, and it is recommended not to eat fat cats. The seeds of the fruit contain cyanide. Do not feed cats ground kernels.

In addition, for cats with weak stomachs, it is recommended to eat as little fruit as possible, otherwise, it will damage the cat's gastrointestinal function. However, it is better for small suckling cats not to eat fruit. The gastrointestinal function of small suckling cats is not too sound and if they eat fruit it may cause gastrointestinal unsuitable diarrhea. Fruit is not a necessary food for cats and should not be fed unless there is a special need.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:462 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 16:54:03
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