How to take care of a cat? How to raise a kitten when it first arrives home


How to take care of a cat

1, First, set up a safe and comfortable place for your kitten. Prepare a potty, a tray for food, and so on. Also make sure there is no safety threat.
2, Feed your cat on time, don't change the meal time suddenly or often. If you want to make your cat love you more, do not change your pet's usual food. The cat's food can be dry food, canned food, or a combination of food and canned food.
It is recommended that you feed your cat no more than twice a day, or you can fill the tray with cat food and add it once a day. However, be careful not to keep the cat too obese, which is not good for the cat's health.
3, Don't ignore your cat's needs! If you leave home, make sure your pet has enough food and water. If you are away for an extended period of time, make sure someone takes care of your cat. Although cats are fairly independent animals, they need human attention and regular care.
4, Cats like to be clean; if your cat's potty is dirty, it will look for another place where its natural needs can be met. Wash your pet's potty regularly with soap and water. If you want to use a new type of litter, mix the old filler with the new filler first and gradually replace it with a new one.
5, Cats like to clean; if your cat's potty is dirty, it will look for another place where its natural needs can be met. Wash your pet's potty regularly with soap and water. If you want to use a new kind of cat litter, mix the old filler with the new filler first and gradually change to the new one.
6, Play with your cat often. Try using toys attached to a string. Move the toy to the front of the cat so she will understand how to catch it. She will think it is a rodent or a bird. Simulate the movements of these animals. Your cat will grab the toy. But you have to be careful not to have the cat hurt your hand.
7, When caressing your cat, you should stop if she doesn't like it. The cat may stop purring or look at you as if to tell you that she doesn't want you to pet her anymore.

How to take care of a cat? How to raise a kitten when it first arrives home

How to keep a kitten when it first arrives

Many novice pooper-scoopers don't know what to do when they bring their cats home. Master these 5 points, raising a good cat is not difficult.


If there is an aborigine in the house, it needs to be isolated. Because cats are different from each other and have different personalities, there will be a situation where two cats fight. It is best to isolate for about two weeks to let them get used to each other. Also prepare an extra cat litter box to avoid a scramble situation.

2銆丏efecation problem

If you have a 1~2 month old kitten, because it can't take care of itself, use a damp cotton swab or towel at the right temperature to rub the excretory system 3~4 times a day to stimulate it to defecate, otherwise the kitten will die because it can't defecate. If the cat is a little older, it can be kept in captivity and prepared in the cage with a cat toilet + cat litter, with a little guidance, the cat will be.

3銆丅athing problem

For kittens within 6 months, bathing is not recommended, and for newly adopted cats, no matter how old they are, bathing is not recommended within 2 weeks, as this can easily cause stress and virus infection in cats. Do not worry too much, cats will lick their own hair to clean.

4. Vaccination and deworming issues

The new cat just arrived home can give it a medical examination to see if there are any infectious diseases. Then you can start preparing the cat for deworming and vaccination. Cats can be dewormed for the first time after 42 days, generally once a month for in vitro deworming and once every three months for internal deworming.

After deworming, cats may have vomiting and diarrhea symptoms, so pet owners can feed them some "MioXiu Probiotic" to relieve these symptoms.

After deworming, you can give your cat a vaccination (under the premise of good health), cats are generally given a cat triplet, a total of three shots, each shot interval of 21 days, after the three shots, the interval of 7 days for rabies vaccine.

5. Dietary issues

If the cat is still in the milk drinking stage, it is recommended to use special goat milk powder for cats, not directly fed milk, because cats are lactose intolerant to milk, which can cause diarrhea in kittens. You can buy a bottle and feed it to your cat.

Kittens need to eat less and more, 3~4 times a day, and when the cat is 3 months old, it can slowly transition from the milk stage to the dry food stage.

Prepare cat food, it must be produced by regular manufacturers, do not be greedy for cheap, otherwise the cat will eat poor quality food, there will be problems. And it is best not to feed the cat with leftovers from your own home, otherwise it will be a burden on the cat's digestive and urinary systems. It is recommended to choose a natural cat food with high digestibility and quality.

What is the expression of a kitten recognizing its owner

Owning a cat is full of accomplishment, especially when a kitten grows into a big, fat cat little by little.

So what are the signs of a kitten recognizing its owner? In fact, there are many, many such manifestations, and the owner can find out the kitten's silent love for the owner by observing more about the daily kitten's behavior!

If a kitten recognizes its owner, it will like to stay with its owner, and it will go wherever the owner goes, which is the kitten's dependence on its owner.

The kitten recognizes its owner and will also step on the owner's milk, the kitten steps on the milk by putting its paws on the owner and gently stepping on it, this is also the way the kitten expresses its liking, the owner should be very happy if he sees the kitten stepping on the milk, because such recognition and liking is really rare and comforting.

Kittens recognize their masters will sleep beside them, and sometimes they will show their little tummies when they fall asleep, which is an expression of the kitten's full trust in its master. Because the belly of kittens is a vulnerable place, when they dare to sleep with their bellies exposed, it means that kittens are very secure in their environment.

The kitten will also make a purring sound when it recognizes its owner. This sound is an expression of comfort and pleasure for kittens. Only when it is more relaxed and knows its owner, it will make such a sound.

How long does it take for a kitten to recognize its owner?

Raising a kitten is a tedious task. Because kittens need more care from their owners than big cats. Generally, kittens will get to know their owners after they have been with them for about half a month.

A kitten may purr all the time when it first arrives home. This is because the kitten is more energetic and when it arrives in a strange environment that scares it, it will use purring to call its mother's attention, even though it does not know that it has left its mother at this time. Therefore, owners should remember not to ignore the sound when the kitten barks.

If the kitten is barking under the bed, then the owner can lie on the side of the bed, not too close to it, but let it know that you are there, to let the kitten familiar with your scent, so that the company is also very important.

The owner needs to be more patient with the kitten, only the owner's patience and warmth can make the kitten have feelings for you.

If you want your kitten to be more familiar with its owner, you must take more time to play with your kitten during normal times. This is also a way to make your cat more affectionate to its owner.

What are the points to note when taking care of a kitten

If you bring home a kitten that is less than two months old, then remember not to give the kitten cat food directly, 10,000 years at this time the kitten is still particularly small, the gut is still delicate, so you can help the kitten soften the cat food, soften it and then give it to the kitten to eat will be smaller.

If you bring home a kitten is particularly small, not even a month, then the owner should not give the cat cat food, but should the cat eat goat's milk. Be careful not to give the kitten milk, because most cats have lactose intolerance, i.e. they will have diarrhea after drinking milk. If you can't buy goat's milk for a while, you can also use the supermarket's softened milk instead.

If the kitten does not defecate by itself, the owner can wet a cotton swab with warm water and touch it gently on the kitten's buttocks, which can stimulate the kitten to defecate.

If possible, try to let the kitten spend more time with its mother. Only then will the kitten feel more secure, and a slightly older kitten will be better cared for and the owner will be less tired.

When feeding kittens, remember to feed them in small quantities. Because cats have small appetites, kittens have even smaller appetites, so they can't eat too much at once. But kittens get hungry fast, so feed your kitten several times a day.

Although it is hard to take care of the kitten, the joy of seeing the kitten grow little by little is something that money can't give and nothing can replace.

Perhaps, this joy of growth, this warmth of companionship, is the touching between people and cats, without the need to communicate with words. Kittens will like you, is also the recognition of the owner.
  • Category:Cats feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:29:39
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