Can dogs eat raw beef? The benefits and drawbacks of beef for dogs


First of all, there are a lot of discussions when the topic of whether dogs can eat raw meat is thrown around.
Dogs can eat raw meat because before dogs were domesticated by humans, they had to hunt on their own, and eating raw meat couldn't be more natural.

I. The Hidden Dangers of Dogs Eating Raw Meat

But in today's society, after dogs have been domesticated by humans as our pets, there are the following pitfalls to dogs eating raw meat.

First, the quality of the meat fed to the dog is not up to par
The meat of the prey caught in nature is fresh and safe, while the meat you can buy now may appear watered down, to additives or hormone phenomena.

Second, the dog's gastrointestinal digestive capacity does not adapt
Not to mention dogs, even after eating sashimi, sashimi, there may be upset in their stomach.
Dogs have been domesticated by us, and have been eating food made by us humans, its gastrointestinal digestive capacity has long been unable to adapt and digest raw meat.
Dogs can eat raw meat, but it is not recommended, because eating raw meat has these hidden dangers
Third, the parasite potential in meat

This is the most important reason why it is not recommended for dogs to eat raw meat or liver.
There may be various parasites or parasitic eggs in raw meat, such as tapeworms, roundworms, and worms.
If they are not cooked to kill them, these parasites and parasitic eggs will be eaten into the dog's body and cause harm to the dog.
Among them, Toxoplasma gondii, which is hidden in pork, lamb, or beef, is more likely to be transmitted to humans and cause fetal malformation.
Therefore, dogs can eat raw meat, but it is not recommended to feed them.
However, if you are comfortable with the raw meat you bought back at a certain time and your dog has a better gut, then give your dog a taste.

II. Can dogs eat beef

Dogs can eat beef. Dogs are carnivorous animals, and they must eat cooked beef, not raw beef.
There are many benefits to eating beef. Eating more beef can promote the bone development of puppies, which can make them grow big, good, and strong. The nutritional value of beef is significantly higher than pork, while the fat and cholesterol content is much lower than pork, and beef contains more essential amino acids for dogs, which is helpful for dogs suffering from high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. The protein content of beef is several times that of pork, beef is mostly lean meat, less fat, is a slice of high-calorie meat, suitable for dogs in the process of growth, and dogs who eat more will not get fat.

The benefits of beef for dogs are to enhance the appetite of dogs and the healthy development of teeth and bones, beef ingredients are diverse parts, hind leg meat, flank meat, upper loin meat, and fine meat pieces have their characteristics, in the taste and texture can make the dog feel renovated, no monotonous sense of tastelessness, the hardness of beef is relatively high, more chewing beef also helps the development of dog teeth and bones. In addition, beef has a particularly high sarcosine content, arguably higher than any other food, and it promotes muscle growth and strength with remarkable results. During the first few seconds of training, creatine is the source of muscle fuel, and enough beef is delicious to effectively replenish adenosine triphosphate so that dogs can train and exercise for longer.
Although beef is a slice of very good meat for dogs, dogs eating beef also has certain disadvantages, for puppies, because the gastrointestinal function is weak, beef should not be fed too much, to be cooked and chopped to help dogs digestion and absorption, but also to eat vegetables to supplement vitamins, lest nutritional imbalance. In addition, beef is very high in calories, too fat dogs should not eat too much.
Feed your dog a controlled amount of cooked beef.

Can dogs eat raw beef? The benefits and drawbacks of beef for dogs

III. The benefits and drawbacks of beef for dogs

There are many benefits for dogs to eating beef. Eating more beef can promote the bone development of puppies, which can make them grow big, good, and strong. The nutritional value of beef is significantly higher than that of pork, while the fat and cholesterol content is much lower than that of pork. Moreover, beef contains more essential amino acids for dogs, which is helpful for dogs with high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. The protein content of beef is several times that of pork, beef is mostly lean meat, less fat, is high-calorie meat, suitable for dogs in the process of growth, and dogs who eat more will not get fat.

The benefits of beef for dogs are to enhance the appetite of dogs and the healthy development of teeth and bones, beef ingredients are diverse parts, hind leg meat, flank meat, upper loin meat, and fine meat pieces have their characteristics, in the taste and texture can make the dog feel renovated, no monotonous sense of tastelessness, the hardness of beef is relatively high, more chewing beef also helps the development of dog teeth and bones. In addition, beef has a particularly high sarcosine content, arguably higher than any other food, and it promotes muscle growth and strength with remarkable results. During the first few seconds of training, creatine is the source of muscle fuel, and enough beef is delicious to effectively replenish adenosine triphosphate so that dogs can train and exercise for longer.
Although beef is a slice of very good meat for dogs, dogs eating beef also has certain disadvantages, for puppies, because the gastrointestinal function is weak, beef should not be fed too much, to be cooked and chopped to help dogs digestion and absorption, but also to eat vegetables to supplement vitamins, lest nutritional imbalance. In addition, beef is very high in calories, too fat dogs should not eat too much.

IV. Dogs can only eat cooked beef

Dogs can eat beef but it must be cooked. Although dogs used to be able to eat anything in the wild, domesticated dogs with overly weak intestines, adapted to mild foods, are unable to withstand the stimulation of raw meat. Also feeding raw meat often will cause the dog's primitive instincts and increase their aggression. And the most common salmonella and bacillus bacteria in raw beef are very dangerous to dogs, so if you want to eat it you must cook it.

Benefits of Beef for Dogs
But beef is good for dogs, eating more beef can promote the bone development of puppies and can make puppies grow thicker. And beef has high nutrition, high protein, low fat, low cholesterol ingredients, very good for the dog's body and eat more will not be fat, and the amino acids contained in beef, for dogs suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease is very helpful. Dogs who eat beef benefits can also enhance the dog's appetite and the healthy development of dental bones, and cattle as part of a lot of ingredients, each taste that dogs love to eat. There is also beef containing sarcosine is a source of muscle fuel, dogs can eat beef and can effectively supplement adenosine triphosphate, so that dog training and exercise can last longer.
It is best to eat a mixture of meat and vegetables and cereals
Dogs are completely allowed to eat beef, and beef is a perfect meat for dogs, corn can also eat, but do not eat corn kernels, because they can not be digested, you can eat corn flour processed staple food. Cereals can not be completely said to be edible, the key is to see how they processing. Like people, dogs also need to consume the right amount of protein, fat, sugar, 13 vitamins, and 20 minerals. Be sure to pay attention to a balanced nutritional mix and distribute a good proportion of food for your dog to thrive.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:432 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:08:40
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