Can dogs eat peanut butter? Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter?


Peanut butter is one of the best snacks for dogs because it can be licked for a long time if it is put inside a toy. In addition, it is rich in protein, niacin, vitamin B, and vitamin E. Peanut butter without salt is best, and when buying a jar of peanut butter, be careful to read the ingredient list, too much salt is as bad for dogs as it is for people. Also check the peanut butter to make sure it does not contain sugar substitutes such as xylitol, which can be deadly to dogs, and a tiny bit can be fatal.

I. Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter?

Dogs aren't usually very picky about what they eat unless I give them medication. I suspect that as long as they don't wonder why I'm giving them peanut butter, they'll happily taste it.

I often personify dogs. I suspect that what I like they will like, and vice versa. They are surprised when they get nasty-smelling stuff in the backyard and I kick them out. They think I would like that smell as much as they do.

Because I love peanut butter, I'm sure my dogs do too. But I still do detailed research before introducing a new food each time.

In this case, I wanted to investigate the peanut butter situation. Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter? Are there any nutritional benefits? What are the ingredients in most peanut butter?

Next is what I found out ......

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter?

I never trust the positive reports of any for-profit organization, which includes pharmaceutical companies, vitamin manufacturers, organic food farms, and large grocery chains. So in this case, I don't trust dog food manufacturers and suppliers either. I would browse their articles and presentation notes, but I would also search for information through other sources to find out what they were really saying.

First, I would look to see if dogs can eat peanut butter. Most information says that dogs can eat small amounts of peanut butter without a problem, although like anything else, dogs' sensitive stomachs may have adverse reactions.

However, peanut butter is very high in fat. Diets high in fat are a cause of pancreatitis, and small dogs are more likely to develop pancreatitis than large dogs, so even if I feed peanut butter to my dogs, I would only feed small amounts.

Dogs should be limited in their consumption of foods high in fat content, whether large or small dogs. Not only is pancreatitis caused by a diet high in fat, but too much fat can cause a dog to gain weight rapidly. In the canine world, obesity is as serious a problem as it is for humans. Obesity is harmful to a dog's health and can eventually even take its life.

So, there is nothing wrong with dogs eating moderate amounts of peanut butter.

Just for reference, I found many articles explaining that peanuts are not among the nuts that are harmful to dogs. This opinion has always made me wonder if these articles did their research. Peanuts are not nuts, but legumes and most legumes are good for dogs. They are low in fat and high in protein.

This does not necessarily mean you have to feed your dog peanuts all the time. Most peanuts sold on the market are salty and too salty is not good for dogs. Often the surface is also covered with some kind of oil that raises the fat content. Be sure to read the outer packaging of the peanuts, and other foods fed to your dog are no exception.

Can dogs eat peanut butter? Is it healthy for dogs to eat peanut butter?

1. What about the other ingredients in peanut butter?

The peanut butter I buy, a store-owned brand, contains "sugar, less than 2% molasses, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and salt". The peanuts themselves are healthy for dogs, but we still have to look at the other ingredients.


It may be okay for dogs to eat a little sugar (remember, a little is based on their size, not ours), but dogs who eat too much will experience the same things we do: obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. It is probably best to avoid feeding sugary foods to your dog.

Imagine what happens when you give a small child a lot of sugar. In the short term, they are very happy, but then they suffer a "sugar attack". As the sugar is processed in the body, the person's energy will slowly decline and eventually become fatigued and lethargic. The same thing can happen to dogs.

As time progresses, dogs can develop diseases like diabetes, because it is very difficult for the body to process too much sugar. Although there is not much sugar in peanut butter, it is best to feed only a little at a time.

2, molasses

As far as I know, molasses, which can cure all diseases, is excellent for both people and dogs. Certain kinds are much better than others, and black molasses extract all (or at least most) of the sugar from the sugar cane, through a process that leaves the vitamins in the molasses rather than in the sugar. My peanut butter label says "molasses, not black molasses, 2% or less". This type of molasses is not the best variety for dogs, and the content is too low for the dog to do any good, and certainly no harm.

3銆乂egetable oil

Whether vegetable oils and their constituent products (hydrogenated oils, etc.) are healthy pet food additives is controversial in the article I referenced. I think I would be more cautious, too much fat or oil-feeding pets are not good choices.

4. Salt

Almost all the articles I refer to are the same: for dogs, salt is a must. But a little too much will make the dog drink a lot of water for a short time, resulting in sodium poisoning.

Salt absorbs water in the body, which is why the dog becomes very thirsty after eating too much salt. It then needs to drink more water than usual to quench its thirst, and then peeing will become more frequent and its body will continue to process the salt quickly.

Because the dog's circulatory system and kidneys are busy processing the excess salt ingested, they become strained and the body begins to swell. Vomiting, diarrhea, and in more serious cases that is a signs of sodium toxicity. If you notice your dog exhibiting any of these symptoms, he needs to see a doctor immediately.

In my opinion, even the food labels of human food are not too specific to give us much help. They will show that salt is an ingredient, but often they don't show how much. And I'm not sure that it includes the salt content of the food itself.

My conclusion is that the dogs are already getting sodium in their dog food and salt in the fries we accidentally drop. I don't think they need any more, either from peanut butter or anything else.

5, canine-specific peanut butter

Because human peanut butter for dogs doesn't seem to be healthy, I looked for peanut butter made specifically for dogs.

Dog food labeling regulations are less strict than human ones, so much so that I can not find out exactly what is in the dog peanut butter. This made me wonder.

Canine-specific peanut butter is a new product, so there isn't much information available to pet owners yet. Personally, I am skeptical about feeding this type of peanut butter to dogs, and about whether or not I would feed it in small amounts with the lack of information.

Nonetheless, more companies are starting to produce canine-specific peanut butter. One of the more popular brands, DOG FOR DOG, is currently making headlines for feeding it to stray dogs. Customer reviews of their peanut butter are very good, and this emerging product seems to be very popular.

6, the dog experience

As I said, I personify dogs and I know what it's like to have peanut butter stuck in my throat.

I've seen several videos of dogs trying to swallow peanut butter to make people bend over laughing, while the dog licked the peanut butter while trying to spit it out. To me, that's like cruel teasing, not funny at all.

As we know, just because something tastes good doesn't mean it's good for us, not just on a nutritional level, but also in terms of the harm it can cause, such as vomiting, choking, or other physical reactions. If peanut butter tastes good to a dog, it is the taste of the peanut butter that he remembers, not the physiological reactions that come with it. As competent pet owners, it is our job to keep our dogs away from things that they may like but can pose a threat.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:03:31
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