Is pineapple bad for dogs?


I. Can I share pineapple with my dog?

The pineapple is an extremely tasty tropical fruit. It is now the annual pineapple harvest season. If it weren't for the hot and humid pineapple, most people would probably gorge themselves on it. But in fact, pineapple is a very nutritious and beneficial fruit, it contains dietary fiber and vitamins, however, looking at the stupid faggots begging for food at my feet, I was in deep thought. Today, we will discuss the effects of pineapple on dogs and the precautions to take when eating pineapple for dogs.

Can dogs eat pineapple?
Pineapples contain a lot of dietary fiber and vitamins, as well as citric acid. These are nutrients that can make your dog's body healthier. However, the effect is not as great as one might think. You can share pineapple with your dog, but never in excess because for dogs, human food when in excess, can cause harm.

Nutrients and benefits of pineapple
Pineapple contains dietary fiber, vitamins (such as vitamins B1 and B2 and vitamin C), and various nutrients, (such as carotene, potassium, pineapple protease, and citric acid). Dietary fiber is known to improve constipation, and bromelain, which promotes protein degradation, improves digestion, and improves the intestinal environment. In addition, vitamin C has the function of producing collagen, which helps to maintain health. Specifically, it can help heal wounds as well as protect your dog's skin and joints. The citric acid inside a pineapple, on the other hand, is known to eliminate fatigue in dogs. If taken in moderation, it can be beneficial for your dog.

Precautions for feeding pineapple to dogs
Although pineapple is good, eating too much of it can cause some problems. For example, too much dietary fiber and vitamin C can cause diarrhea in dogs, so it is not recommended that dogs consume large amounts. In addition, pineapple contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to obesity or other health problems in dogs. This is especially true of processed pineapple snacks, which have even more sugar. Most rarely, some dogs can develop allergies, which can include diarrhea and vomiting, skin rashes, and most obviously, depression. If your dog gets sick every time he eats a pineapple, it's time for the owner to give up the idea of sharing the pineapple with his dog.

How to choose a pineapple for your dog
As mentioned above, processed pineapple snacks will have more sugar, so it is best to choose a fresh pineapple. Then you have to peel the skin and soak it in salt water as humans eat. Also, there will be pineapple cut into small pieces to make it easy for the dog to swallow. Special attention should be paid to the core part of the pineapple, which is more difficult to bite, easily choke the dog, and even hurt the teeth. To be on the safe side, it's best to peel off the core and the skin. As for the quantity of each feeding, it is best to control it to about 15 grams a day, which is the healthiest quantity for your dog.

Pineapples are good but don't get greedy. It is important to pay attention to the suitability of the dog to eat pineapple, and the owner should control the portion the dog eats so that the dog can safely and happily share a piece of pineapple with the owner. But as an owner, I decided to give up feeding pineapples to our stupid dog and let him eat canned food after seeing such troublesome precautions. It saves a lot of trouble!

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple

The reason for this is that the pineapple has a protein-digesting enzyme, which increases the permeability of the gastrointestinal mucosa and allows large foreign proteins to penetrate the bloodstream, which can lead to allergic reactions. Most dogs are prone to diarrhea and serious dehydration, which can be dangerous to your dog's life. 2 to dogs eating fruit considerations 1, do not give dogs eat fruit seeds or core: like pomegranate, litchi, apricots, plums and so on, seeds or large nuclear fruit if you can not remove the seeds and cores of the fruit, do not give dogs to eat. Because the dog is impossible to chew these seeds or cores, and its stomach is not likely to digest them, a lychee core in the dog's stomach and a small stone is no different. In addition, some fruits contain toxic substances in the seeds, dog chewing will make the toxic substances dissolve in the gastric juice, which may kill the dog. Simply put: the seeds or nucleus of fruit dogs should never eat. 2, must not give the dog too much fruit: giving the dog a lot of fruit at once is very easy to cause dog diarrhea, any kind of fruit is. PS: Dried fruits: peanuts, and chestnuts, such as eating very fragrant but easy to chew dried fruits, but also to control the amount of dog consumption, ate too much will also cause indigestion, and it is said that dried fruits (especially almonds) contain more phosphorus, easy to cause kidney stones.

Is pineapple bad for dogs?

Three, what fruits should not be eaten by dogs

1. Carob fruit
Carpaccio is a fruit with high nutritional value, I believe many pooper scoopers want to give their dogs something to eat, but dogs are not suitable for eating carpaccio, easy to have poisoned.
Many dogs will have indigestion problems, diarrhea, and vomiting!

2, grapes
Grapes are one of the more common fruits, many people will buy some at home, but grapes must be put away, dogs can eat grapes can also occur poisoning, for dogs, is a very dangerous fruit.
Some dogs may be fine eating grapes, but it does not mean that they will be fine eating grapes, may eat the amount that has not got the effect of poisoning, so for the sake of dog safety, do not give it to eat!

3, pineapple
The pineapple is also not for dogs to eat, we eat it when we have to soak salt water to eat, let alone for dogs to eat, dogs eat pineapple is easy to have allergies, and also cause intestinal discomfort.
Dogs are very fragile gastrointestinal pets, so pineapples do not give them to eat!

4, mango
Mangoes may have many people like to eat, especially ripe mangoes, especially sweet, and fragrant, but advise you not to give dogs to eat mangoes, because mango cyanide content is high, the dog is not easy to digest.
Giving the dog to eat too much mango will appear poisoning, serious will lead to dog shock!

During the season of pomegranate, will certainly be many pooper scoopers will buy a few at home, pomegranate special seeds, eat a pomegranate is actually to drink its juice, to dogs directly eat a pomegranate, will cause indigestion.
Because pomegranate seeds dog is unable to digest, easy to cause intestinal discomfort!

6, guava
Guava is also the same fruit that can not be given to the dog, because guava is relatively hard, and with more seeds, the dog will be very difficult to digest, causing diarrhea, and vomiting problems.
Dogs have indigestion, diarrhea, and vomiting problems, you can give it first to stop eating, let them drink "pet probiotics" to regulate the intestinal tract, improve the gastrointestinal, effective relief of indigestion, diarrhea, and vomiting!

Lemon is a particularly acidic fruit nothing will eat, basically used for flavoring, dogs directly eating lemon will certainly be unable to stand, and the dog's intestinal tract will cause harm.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:419 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:16:21
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